Tuesday, January 13, 2009


WOW!!! Michael and I have been shopping for a home of our own to purchase and I have to tell you, it is not what I expected. It has not been an easy road for us. We found a home we fell in love with and put an offer on and someone came and totally over bid by 25 grand. So once again we are out looking. We have put in another offer for another house so hopefully it will fall through. Please pray that all goes smooth.
We had a wonderful holiday season. Michael was able to take some vacation time and we spent good time together as a family. It was nice being together. I also found out that I separated my right shoulder and it is suspected that it happened when I fell asleep on the couch. I am going to physical therapy twice a week and hoping that it will mend sooner then later.
Lillian is doing great in school she has mostly all A's. She is really into the Twilight series and for most of you moms that have pre-teen to teenage girls, you understand that it is a movement. It is insane. She is doing great. She really loves teaching the younger kids at church about the Word. I have had teachers come to me and tell me that they are amazed by her love she has for the Lord and how she can share it with the other children so they understand.
Veronica is doing wonderful and has mended her severally sprain right arm. She had a bit of a set back with school work and homework as she was in a sugar splint for a month and could not write with her right hand. Final grades for the semester were looming at her but she work VERY hard and got everything turned in. She did not have all A's but I know she will be back on track for the next report card.
Matthew is having a blast in kindergarten. He loves his teacher and he is excelling quit well with his ABC's. At the beginning of the year we were a bit concerned because he could not recognize his letters but half way through something clicked and he knows more letters then the needed requirement in the time frame of kindergarten.
Michael is excited to be moving his office from Kearney Mesa to Rancho Bernado. The commute to and from work will be cut by more then half. Michael is also giving messages now for our church. I can not tell anyone how proud of Michael I am. He just really allows the love of the Lord flow through him. I know that God has special plans for Michael and I can not wait to find out what they are.
Well I just wanted to share a quick update and let everyone know how we are doing. One of us will be back soon to update you on the situation of our house. Hopefully letting you all know that we are moving.